Haiwen Chen
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Pediatrics Resident
Hometown: Catonsville, MD
Chen, H.*, Tang, A-H.*, Li, T.P., Metzbower, S.R., Mac Gillavry, H., Blanpied, T.A. (2016) A transsynaptic nanocolumn aligns neurotransmitter release to receptors. Nature. 536: 210–214. *Equal contribution
Chen, H., Epstein, J., Stern, E. (2010). Neural Plasticity After Acquired Brain Injury: Evidence from Functional Neuroimaging. PM&R 2(12): S306-312
Chen, H., Russell, R., Nakayama, K., Livingstone, M. (2010). Crossing the "Uncanny Valley": experience with non-human faces affects preferences for human faces. Perception 39(3) 378 – 386